Generate Contour Lines from Digital Elevation Model


How To Generate Contour Lines from Digital Elevation Model using DroneMapper

  • Once photogrametric processing has completed, the digital elevation model is available.
  • Navigate to the “Operations” menu and choose “Generate Contours”. You will be presented with the following dialog box and contour generation options:

    The following options are available during contour creation:
  • Output Projection – The resulting project of the contour lines. Options are UTM and Lat/Lon WGS84
  • Output Filename – The name of the shapefile that is created containing the generated contour lines/vectors
  • Contour Interval – The interval between contour lines. Allows input in feet or meters
  • Contour Simplification – A slider which will simply the output contour lines
  • Contour Min/Max – Restrict contour line generation between these elevations
  • Determine the required options for contour generation, choose a filename and hit “Apply”:

    Once contour generation is completed, a new layer is created and displayed on the map tab. Here I’ve generated contours every 5 feet.
  • The contour line shapefile is saved to the local hard disk (usually inside the project folder):

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Asked on March 20, 2018 4:13 pm